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《巴黎人报》(法语:Le Parisien)是法国LVMH旗下的一份日报,内容涵盖国际和法国国内新闻以及巴黎及其郊区的本地新闻。该报纸和很多法国报纸一样,旗下也设立有学生和教育专栏。近日,该专栏发布了2022年法国顶级商学院排名。雷恩商学院已连续第三年跻身前十名,充分证实了其持续稳定的教学质量和国际前景。
 雷恩商学院(Rennes School of Business)的管理硕士课程Grande École(Master in Management)再次以其国际视野脱颖而出,在以下方面排名第二:
1.学院国际教授比例      2.全球范围内合作院校数量 
Rennes School of Business strengthens its position among the Top 10 French business schools, driven by its international and multicultural identity, which has been at the heart of its rapid development over the last 30 years. Today more than ever, Rennes School of Business accords great importance to its international DNA as the entire planet enters a new era of globalisation. With more than 5,000 students and an ever-growing faculty, we combine globalisation, geopolitics and the data economy to respond to societal challenges, from our campuses in Rennes and Paris,” explains Thomas Froehlicher, Director General and Dean of Rennes School of Business.
“雷恩商学院凭借其国际和多元文化特性,强化了其在法国十大商学院中的独特地位,这是雷恩过去30年快速发展的核心。如今,伴随全球化进程新时代,雷恩商学院比以往任何时候都更加重视其国际化的基因。“在雷恩和巴黎两个校区,我们拥有超过5000位学生以及一支不断壮大的教师团队,并致力于将全球化、地缘政治学和数字经济相结合,以更从容地应对社会挑战。“雷恩商学院(Rennes School of Business)院长托马斯·弗雷利彻(Thomas Froehlicher)解释道。